måndag 15 september 2008


Korvar från Taylor and Jones http://taylors.se/index2.htm:

- Traditional Pork

An original breakfast sausage with just a little bit of seasoning. We sell to Elfviks Gård, The Dubliner Gothenburg and Paddingtons Gothenburg in big amounts they can’t get enough.

- Pork with Cognac and Prunes

One of our newest varieties it has the perfect blend not to sweet and not to sharp.

- Beef and Jalapeño

Well there really isn’t any better sausage for the BBQ than this one. Lightly smoked and spicy but not to much. Another sausage we sell to Sickla quality meats.

Ugnsstekt potatis med timjan, olivolja och salt

Tomat och bönsallad

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